
Criminal Defense Attorney Weighs in on Fani Willis and the Appearance of Impropriety

By Criminal Defense Attorney Nick Alcock: In the realm of justice, where the scales should be as balanced as a perfectly tuned piano, the recent case involving House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan’s subpoena to District Attorney Fani Willis of Fulton County, Georgia, strikes a chord that resonates far beyond its immediate legal implications. This […]

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Understanding Inadmissibility in Immigration Hearings

Navigating the Maze of Immigration Inadmissibility Inadmissibility is a set of rules that decide who can’t enter or remain in the U.S. Think of it as a filter that screens out individuals based on specific criteria. Why Might Someone Be Inadmissible? Inadmissibility reasons vary, but here are some key ones: Criminal History: If someone has […]

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The Intersection of Attempted Murder and Hate Crime Charges: The Jason J. Eaton Vermont Shooting Case

The recent incident in Burlington, Vermont, where three college students of Palestinian descent were shot, brings into sharp focus the legal intricacies of attempted murder charges intertwined with hate crime considerations. Jason J. Eaton, 48, is currently facing attempted second-degree murder charges, and while hate crime enhancements have not been officially applied, the nature of […]

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Fiancé Visa vs. Getting Married in the United States: Exploring Your Options

Let our Immigration Attorneys Help You today! Are you and your fiancé eager to start your life together in the United States? While the prospect of a dream wedding in the U.S. may seem appealing, there are essential factors to consider before making any hasty decisions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages of […]

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Sealing a Case In Arizona: Clean your record!

QUESTIONS ABOUT SEALING (EXPUNGING) A CASE IN AZ? 602-989-5000 As we approach the New Year, many of us are reflecting on our past and setting resolutions for a fresh start. For those with a criminal record in Arizona, the new year brings a unique opportunity to turn over a new leaf by sealing their criminal […]

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Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Review By A Phoenix Attorney

By Phoenix Attorney Nick Alcock Sometimes art imitates real life. In the case of video games usually fantasy plays a much bigger role than reality. However, there are some interesting concept games that mimic real life. One of these is Phoenix Wright Ace. This is a game that replicates what it is like to be […]

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What Are Aggravated Felonies for Immigration?

Immigration Attorney Defines Aggravated Felonies If you are a non-citizen, it is vital that you understand how criminal charges can affect your rights. The immigration system is extremely complex and hard to understand. This is very apparent when it comes to how the government handles criminal convictions. One would think that there would be a […]

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Divorce in Arizona on rise due to Covid

Divorce rates are increasing across Arizona due to Covid Arizona has seen a marked impact of Covid on the divorce rate. There’s no question that the stress associated with the pandemic is driving more and more couples to revisit their matrimonial bonds. Unfortunately, as well, Covid 19 and the lockdowns have lead to an increase […]

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Free immigration lawyer consultations in Arizona

Our Immigration Lawyers Give Back: Do immigration attorneys offer free consultations in Phoenix?  The answer is yes! Our law firm has always offered a free consultation for any type of immigration case here in Arizona. I know that many attorneys do charge lots of money for consultations but we never have.  Here’s why. We believe […]

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How much does a lawyer charge for an assault case in AZ?

 How much money does an assault lawyer charge in Arizona?   For over 22 years our firm has handled many many thousands of assault cases in Arizona. We have represented clients in virtually every court in the state and we are happy to share some information about these cases. Know that if you would like […]

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Motorcycle Accident Attorney Announces Discounted Rates

Motorcycle Attorneys-Discounted Rates People who live in Arizona have a number of motorcycle accident attorneys to choose from. Our group of motorcycle accident lawyers bring a unique set of skills and abilities that can make a huge difference to you. Here are some questions to ask if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident […]

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Here at Alcock and Associates our team and staff are dedicated to helping and representing YOU. The first step is to understand your case. We will take the time to get to know you and your legal situation so that we are best able to answer all of your questions. After your initial consultation with our attorneys, you will know what you are facing and what can happen to your case.


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Alcock & Associates P.C.
2 North Central Avenue, 26th Floor
Phoenix AZ 85004